Not only are we concerned with providing rehabilitative technology, we are also passionate about research and ensuring that possibilities are discovered from time to time. With research interests in areas such as rehabilitation science, silicone technology, biomechanics, prosthetics and orthotics, etc. your knowledge base is broadened.
(I) AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Current Position and Challenges in Prosthetics and Orthotics Educationin Ghana. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2016; 16 (1): 26-34.
(II) Akouetevi Aduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara., AnaremeKpandressi. Challenges in Prosthetics andOrthotics education in Sub-Saharan Africa francophone country Togo. EcOrthopaedics. 2017; 6 (6): 230-237.
(III) Akouetevi Aduayom-Ahego. Prosthetics and Orthotics education in sub-Saharan Africa: Issues andchallenges. Ec Orthopaedics. 2017; 6 (2): 80-81.
(IV) Akouetevi Aduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Shota Inoue. Development of new methods to calibratecentre of pressure obtained from force platform. Niigata Journal of Healthand Welfare. 2017; 17 (1): 60-65.
(V) Akouetevi Aduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Fabrication of trans tibial prosthesis usingrecycled prosthesis parts in Ghana. Journal of the Japanese Academy ofProsthetists and Orthotists. 2018, 26 (2): 131-133.
(VI) AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Daiki Shimotori, Shota Inoue. A new method of hip joint moment evaluation.Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2018; 18 (1): 1-9.
(VII) AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Japanese undergraduate students’ perceptions of prosthetics andorthotics education. Niigata Journal of Health and welfare. 2018; 18 (1): 46-54.
(VIII) Akouetevi Aduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Prosthetic rehabilitation of multiple-digitamputations using silicone material: First experience in a Sub-Saharan AfricanGhana. Federation Africaine des Techniciens Orthoprothesistes (FATO) InfoJournal. 2018 In Press.
Presentations & Conferences
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Management of diabetic Patient Trans tibialamputee with the polypropylene technology, 13th Niigata Society ofHealth and Welfare Conference, Niigata Japan 10/2013.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Takuya Shibazawa. A study on the MechanicalWork of the lower Limb joint Moment: Evaluation of the reliability of the LowerLimb Joint Center location, 35th Japan Gait Analysis Forum Aomori,Japan 11/2013
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Estimation of the location of the hip jointcenter based on potential energy and mechanical work, 15thInternational Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics World Congress, Lyon France6/2015.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Daiki Shimotori. Reliability of jointmoment calculation methods, 24th Biomechanics Symposium, NiigataJapan, 7/2015
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Daiki Shimotori. A new method of jointmoment evaluation and its application to the hip joint center estimation, 16thInternational Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics World Congress, Cape Town,South Africa 8–11 May 2017.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Prosthetics and Orthotics education inGhana: Local staff perspectives, 16th International Society ofProsthetics and Orthotics World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 8–11 May 2017.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Current position and challenges inprosthetics and orthotics education in Ghana. 22-23 July 2017. Fukuoka Japan.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego. Prosthetics and Orthotics Rehabilitation Service andEducation in Sub Saharan Africa. MedicalKnowledge Fiesta 2017, Ghana Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons, Accra Ghana. 9/12-15, 2017.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego. Finger Prosthetic Rehabilitation Using Silicone Material:Case Study in Ghana. Medical KnowledgeFiesta 2017, Ghana College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, Accra Ghana. 9/12-15, 2017.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara, Anareme Kpandressi. Challenges in prostheticsand orthotics education in sub-Saharan Africa francophone country Togo.Proceedings of USISPO 2018 Pac Rim Conference on Physical Rehabilitation, Maui,Hawaii, USA, 21-24/01/ 2018.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego, Yoshihiro Ehara. Prostheses provision approach insub-Saharan Africa country. 18th Niigata Health and WelfareConference. Niigata Japan, 10/27/2018.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego,Yoshihiro Ehara. Students’ perceptions of Prosthetics and Orthotics andAssistive Technology education in Japan. 2018 Asian Prosthetics and OrthoticsScientific Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand 11/7-9, 2018.
- AkoueteviAduayom-Ahego.Finger Prosthesis rehabilitation using silicone material in low resourcecountry. 2018 Asian Prosthetics and Orthotics Scientific Meeting, Bangkok,Thailand 11/7-9, 2018.11
Awards & Recognitions
3/2017 Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare Best ArticleAward
6/2017 Ec Orthopaedic Best Article of the issue CertificateAward
3/2018 Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare EncouragementAward
3/2018 Niigata University of Health and Welfare PresidentialAward 2018